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Concave Keel Rollers & Vee Boat Rollers

Concave keel rollers and Vee style boat rollers are becoming more popular amongst boat owners. The concave style boat roller gives boat owners a better chance at keeping their boats centralised when retrieving their boat back on their trailers at the boat ramp!

Concave boat rollers are designed for use on small, medium and large style boats and trailers that have a v shaped keep which allows the boat to take full advantage of the boat roller profile.

MPQ offers multiple size & colour options in our concave boat rollers. 

Note: MPQ Plastics can machine multiple coloured rollers. The materials we use is all the same in our boat rollers, the only difference is just the colour die used in the plastic. Contact us if you have any questions in regards to colour options on plastic boat rollers. [/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][table bordered=”true”][table_head][table_row][table_heading_cell]Dog Bone Keel Roller Sizes[/table_heading_cell][table_heading_cell]Bore Size[/table_heading_cell][table_heading_cell]Colour Options[/table_heading_cell][/table_row][/table_head][table_body][table_row][table_cell]6 Inch Concave / Vee Roller[/table_cell][table_cell]17mm, 19mm, 20mm, 21mm, Custom[/table_cell][table_cell]Blue, Black, Red, Grey, Custom[/table_cell][/table_row][table_row][table_cell]8 Inch Concave / Vee Roller[/table_cell][table_cell]17mm, 19mm, 20mm, 21mm, Custom[/table_cell][table_cell]Blue, Black, Red, Grey, Custom[/table_cell][/table_row][table_row][table_cell]12 Inch Concave / Vee Roller[/table_cell][table_cell]25mm, Custom[/table_cell][table_cell]Blue, Black, Red, Grey, Custom[/table_cell][/table_row][/table_body][/table][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_empty_space][vc_single_image image=”728″ img_size=”large”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_message]Wholesale & Trade Customers | Shop Online.

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